Children 15-17 years old, 2013-17
Children 5-14 years old, 2013-17
Children under 18 by age group, 2013-17
Children under 5 years old, 2013-17
US Children <=17 yo 2014-2018
% of population >=18 yo who are non-citizens (2013-2017)
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2006-2010
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2007-2011
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2008-2012
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2009-2013
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2010-2014
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2011-2015
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2012-2016
Working, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2013-2017
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2006-2010
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2007-2011
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2008-2012
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2009-2013
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2010-2014
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2011-2015
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2012-2016
Nonworking, college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of college-educated employed 2013-2017
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2006-2010
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2007-2011
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2008-2012
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2009-2013
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2010-2014
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2011-2015
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2012-2016
Working, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2013-2017
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of all employed 2006-2010
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2007-2011
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2008-2012
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2009-2013
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2010-2014
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2011-2015
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2012-2016
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults 25-64 yo by % of non-college-educated employed 2013-2017
US Adult Education level (25+) 2006-2010
US Adult Education level (25+) 2007-2011
US Adult Education level (25+) 2008-2012
US Adult Education level (25+) 2009-2013
US Adult Education level (25+) 2010-2014
US Adult Education level (25+) 2011-2015
US Adult Education level (25+) 2012-2016
US Adult Education level (25+) 2013-2017
US Homeowner age 2009-2013
US Homeowner age 2010-2014
US Homeowner age 2011-2015
US Homeowner age 2012-2016
American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander homeowners by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Asian homeowners by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Black homeowners by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Hispanic or Latino homeowners by age, 2000
Mixed and Other Race homeowners by age, 2000
White homeowners by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander homeowners by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Asian homeowners by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Black homeowners by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Hispanic or Latino homeowners by age, 2010
Mixed and Other Race homeowners by age, 2010
White homeowners by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander Females by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander Males by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Asian Females by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Asian Males by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Black Females by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Black Males by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Hispanic or Latino Females by Age 2013-2017
Hispanic or Latino Males by Age 2013-2017
Mixed and Other Race Females by Age 2013-2017
Mixed and Other Race Males by Age 2013-2017
White Females by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
White Males by Age (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
US People by Age, 0-5, 2010
US People by Age 20-39 yo 2010
US People by Age 40-70 yo 2010
US People 70+ yo 2010
Population >=18 yo by % of total 2010
Population under 18 yo by % of total 2010
US Population 18 yo and above 2010
US Population 18 yo and above 2013-2017
US Population below and above 18 yo 2010
US Population below and above 18 yo 2012-2016
US People 18-24 yo 2010
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2006-2010
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2007-2011
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2008-2012
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2009-2013
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2010-2014
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2011-2015
US Population < 18 yo, No public assistance 2012-2016
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2012-2016
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2013-2017
US Population < 18 yo, Public assistance 2014-2018
US Renter age 2009-2013
US Renter age 2010-2014
US Renter age 2011-2015
US Renter age 2012-2016
American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander renters by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Asian renters by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Black renters by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Hispanic or Latino renters by age, 2000
Mixed and Other Race renters by age, 2000
White renters by age, 2000 (not Hispanic or Latino)
American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander renters by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Asian renters by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Black renters by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
Hispanic or Latino renters by age, 2010
Mixed and Other Race renters by age, 2010
White renters by age, 2010 (not Hispanic or Latino)
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2006-2010
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2007-2011
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2008-2012
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2009-2013
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2010-2014
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2011-2015
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2012-2016
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2013-2017
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2014-2018
US Commuters, 16-24 yo 2006-2018
US Veterans by age, 2018 5-year estimate
US Veterans by age >= 55 years old by age, 2018 5-year estimate
US Veterans under 55 years old by age, 2018 5-year estimate
Nonworking, college-educated adults by % of college-educated employed 2006-2017
Nonworking, non-college-educated adults by % of non-college-educated employed 2006-2017
Working, college-educated adults by % of college-educated employed 2006-2017
Working, non-college-educated adults by % of non-college-educated employed 2006-2017
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2006-2010
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2006-2010
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2007-2011
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2007-2011
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2007-2011
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2008-2012
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2008-2012
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2008-2012
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2009-2013
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2009-2013
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2009-2013
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2010-2014
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2010-2014
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2010-2014
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2011-2015
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2011-2015
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2011-2015
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2012-2016
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2012-2016
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2012-2016
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2013-2017
US Work, in low income occupations 16+ yo, 2013-2017
US Work, in medium income occupations 16+ yo, 2013-2017
US Work, in high median income occupations 16+ yo, 2006-2010
US Work, in low median income occupations 16+ yo, 2006-2010
US Work, in medium median income occupations 16+ yo, 2006-2010
Est. Population Taking Bus to Work, 2013-17
Means of Transportation to Work 2006-2010
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2006-2010
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2007-2011
Means of Transportation to Work 2008-2012
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2008-2012
Means of Transportation to Work 2009-2013
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2009-2013
Means of Transportation to Work 2010-2014
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2010-2014
Means of Transportation to Work 2011-2015
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2011-2015
Means of Transportation to Work 2012-2016
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2012-2016
Means of Transportation to Work 2013-2017
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2013-2017
Means of Transportation to Work 2014-2018
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2014-2018
Workers: Car or Public Transit (16-24) 2006-2018
Workers: Car or Public Transit (25-54) 2006-2018
Workers: Car or Public Transit (55-64) 2006-2018
Workers: Car or Public Transit (65+) 2006-2018
Means of Transportation to Work
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit)
US Renters w/children, M/F 2006-2010
US Renters w/children, M/F 2007-2011
US Renters w/children, M/F 2008-2012
US Renters w/children, M/F 2009-2013
US Renters w/children, M/F 2010-2014
US Renters w/children, M/F 2011-2015
US Renters w/children, M/F 2012-2016
US Renters w/children, M/F 2013-2017
US Female education level 2012-2016
US Male education level 2012-2016
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2007-2011
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2008-2012
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2009-2013
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2010-2014
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2011-2015
US Work Males 2012-2016
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2012-2016
US Work Females 2012-2016
US Work, Males 30-64 yo, 2012-2016
US Work, Males 20-29 yo, 2012-2016
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2013-2017
US Work, in computer and mathematical occupations by gender 16+ yo, 2014-2018
US Work, non-working males 16-64 yo, 2006-2010
Female led rental households with children by % single mother 2010
US Male income 2006-2010
US Male income 2007-2011
US Male income 2008-2012
US Male income 2009-2013
US Male income 2010-2014
US Male income 2011-2015
US Female Full-time employee income 2012-2016
US Female income 2012-2016
US Female Non-full-time employee income 2012-2016
US Male Full-time employee income 2012-2016
US Male income 2012-2016
US Male Non-full-time employee income 2012-2016
US Male income 2013-2017
US Male income 2014-2018
US Male income 2006-2018
SWPA Median Income of Asian Females
SWPA Median Income of Asian Males
SWPA Median Income of Black Females
SWPA Median Income of Black Males
SWPA Median Income of Native American/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Island, and Other Females
SWPA Median Income of Native American/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Island, and Other Males
SWPA Median Income of Latina Females
SWPA Median Income of Latino Males
SWPA Median Income of White Females
SWPA Median Income of White Males
US Population by sex 2010
Female Pop/Male Pop
US grandparents 2012-2016
US Children in familes below poverty line in 2018
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2006-2018
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2006-2018
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2006-2017
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2006-2018
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2006-2017
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2006-2018
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2010
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2011
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2012
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2013
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2014
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2015
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2016
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2017
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2010
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2011
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2012
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2013
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2014
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2015
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2016
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain ACS 2010-2017
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2010
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2011
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2012
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2013
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2014
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2015
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2016
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss ACS 2010-2017
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2010
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2011
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2012
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2013
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2014
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2015
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2016
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain ACS 2010-2017
US undergrad degrees in computers and math 25+ yo, 2014-2018
US Education level 2012-2016
US >= Undergrad Degree population loss/gain 2006-2017
US < Undergrad Degree population loss/gain 2006-2017
US >= Degree pop gain and < Degree pop loss 2006-2017
US >= Degree pop loss and < Degree pop gain 2006-2017
US Adult Education level (25+) 2006-2017
US Work at home 2006-2010
US Work 2007-2011
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2007-2011
US Work 2008-2012
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2008-2012
US Work 2009-2013
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2009-2013
US Work 2010-2014
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2010-2014
US Work 2011-2015
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2011-2015
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2012-2016
US Work, in armed forces, 16-64 yo, 2012-2016
US Work at home 2012-2016
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2013-2017
US Work, in computer and mathematical occupations 16+ yo, 2014-2018
Allegheny County work from home estimate
US Work, non-working 16+ yo, 2006-2010
US Job change 2007-2009 (WIP)
US Primary Jobs 2011 (WIP)
US Workers by % in critical industries
US Housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Housing costs 2011-2015 ($)
US family households 2012-2016
US Housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US living arrangements 2012-2016
US multi-generational households 2012-2016
US Housing costs 2013-2017 ($)
Languages spoken at home 2014-2018
Income below poverty level
Household Broadband Internet Connections 2013-2017
Household Internet Connections (2013-2017)
Types of Internet Connections 2013-2017
Satellite Internet Connection 2013-2017
US Population 65+
US Veterans who served in Gulf War Era II (9/2001 or later), 2018 5-year estimate
Population under 18 yo by % of total 2010
US Population change 1990-2010
US Population change 2000-2010
US Population 1990
US Population 2000
US Population 2010
US Population 2012-2016
US Population 2013-2017
US Commuters 2006-2010
US Commute time 2007-2011
US Commuters 2007-2011
US Commute time 2008-2012
US Commuters 2008-2012
US Commute time 2009-2013
US Commuters 2009-2013
US Commute time 2010-2014
US Commuters 2010-2014
US Commute time 2011-2015
US Commuters 2011-2015
US Automobile Commuters 2012-2016
US Commute time 2012-2016
US Walk/bike Commuters 2012-2016
US Commute time >=30 mins 2012-2016
US Commute time <10 mins 2012-2016
US Transit Commuters 2012-2016
US Commuters 2012-2016
US Commuters 2013-2017
US Commuters 2014-2018
US Vacancy Status 1990
US Vacancy Status 2000
US Vacancy Status 2010
US persons with disability by age range 2014-2018
US persons with disability by precise age
US persons with disability by heath insurance status 2014-2019
US persons with disability by race
US persons without disability by race
US persons without disability
US persons by level of disability
Black without disability
Black Disability by Age
White without disability
White Disability by Age
Asian /Pacific Islander without disability
Asian/Pacific Islander Disability by Age
Hispanic without disability
Hispanic Disability by Age
Other/Native American/Multi Racial without disability
Other/Native American/Multi Racial Disability by Age
Group Quarters without disability
Disability by Group Quarters Category
Poverty level with disability
US persons without disability <=18 years
US persons with disability <=18 years
US persons without disability 18-64 years
US persons with disability 18-64 years
US persons without disability >= 65 years
US persons with disability >= 65 years
Est. population with disability, 2013-17
Est. population with walking and climbing difficulty, 2013-17
Est. population with vision difficulty, 2013-17
Est. population with vision difficulty or over 5 years old with severe walking or climbing difficulty, 2017
US health insurance status, 19-64 yo 2014-2018
US health insurance status, 65 yo and over 2014-2018
US health insurance status, under 19 yo 2014-2018
US Homeowners w/children 2006-2010
US Renters w/children 2006-2010
US Homeowners w/children 2007-2011
US Renters w/children 2007-2011
US Homeowners w/children 2008-2012
US Renters w/children 2008-2012
US Homeowners w/children 2009-2013
US Renters w/children 2009-2013
US Homeowners w/children 2010-2014
US Renters w/children 2010-2014
US Homeowners w/children 2011-2015
US Renters w/children 2011-2015
US Households with children 2012-2016
US Homeowners w/children 2012-2016
US One-parent renters w/children 2012-2016
US Renters w/children 2012-2016
US Homeowners w/children 2013-2017
US Renters w/children 2013-2017
US Renters w/children 2014-2018
US Home owners w/children 2006-2017
US Renters w/children 2006-2017
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo 2014-2017
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2010-2016
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2010-2016
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2010-2016
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2010-2016
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2010-2016
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2010-2016
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo, 2014
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo, 2015
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo, 2016
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo, 2017
US One-parent renters 2012-2016 vs evictions 2016
US Renters in 2000-2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2000-2016
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2007
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2008
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2009
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2010
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2011
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2012
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2013
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2014
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2015
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2016
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2017
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2018
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2019
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2020
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2012-2017
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2007
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2008
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2009
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2010
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2011
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2012
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2013
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2014
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2015
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2016
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2017
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2007
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2008
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2009
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2010
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2011
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2012
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2013
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2014
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2015
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2016
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2017
HMDA Housing loan applications to Black applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2007-2017
HMDA Housing loan applications to White applicants by acceptance/denial by lender, 2007-2017
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2007
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2008
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2009
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2010
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2011
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2012
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2013
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2014
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2015
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2016
HMDA All housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2017
HMDA All Housing loan applications by race of primary applicant, 2007-2017
HMDA All housing loan applications by acceptance/denial by lender, 2007-2017
US Owner-occupied occupants per room 2014-2018
US Homeownership loss/gain 2010-2017 (acs)
US Homeownership loss 2010-2017 (acs)
US Homeownership loss 2010-2016 (acs)
US Homeownership loss 2010-2016 (census)
US Homeownership loss 2000-2016
US Homeownership loss 2000-2010
US Homeownership loss 1990-2016
US Homeownership loss 1990-2010
US Homeownership loss/gain 1990-1990
US Homeownership loss/gain 1990-2000
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2006-2010
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2007-2011
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2008-2012
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2009-2013
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2010-2014
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2011-2015
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2012-2016 (%)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2013-2017 (%)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2014-2018 (%)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2007-2011 ($)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2008-2012 ($)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2009-2013 ($)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2014-2014 ($)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2011-2015 ($)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2013-2017 ($)
US Owner move-in year 2006-2010
US Owner move-in year 2007-2011
US Owner move-in year 2008-2012
US Owner move-in year 2009-2013
US Owner move-in year 2010-2014
US Owner move-in year 2011-2015
US Owner move-in year 2012-2016
US Owner move-in year 2013-2017
US Owner year built 2006-2010
US Owner year built 2007-2011
US Owner year built 2008-2012
US Owner year built 2009-2013
US Owner year built 2010-2014
US Owner year built 2011-2015
US Owner year built 2012-2016
US Homeownership loss/gain 1990-2010
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2006-2017 (%)
US Owner-occupied housing costs 2006-2017 ($)
US Owner move-in year 2006-2017
US total housing units 2006-2010
US total housing units 2007-2011
US total housing units 2008-2012
US total housing units 2009-2013
US total housing units 2010-2014
US total housing units 2011-2015
US total housing units 2012-2016
US total housing units 2013-2017
US total housing units 2014-2018
US total housing units 2006-2018
US All Household Income 2006-2017 ($)
US All Household Income 2006-2018 ($)
US Own vs Rent 1990-2010
US Own vs Rent 1990-2017
US Own vs Rent 2006-2017
US Own vs Rent 1990
US Own vs Rent 2000
US Own vs Rent 2010
US Own vs Rent 2006-2010
US Own vs Rent 2007-2011
US Own vs Rent 2008-2012
US Own vs Rent 2009-2013
US Own vs Rent 2010-2014
US Own vs Rent 2011-2015
US Own vs Rent 2012-2016
US Own vs Rent 2013-2017
US Own vs Rent 2014-2018
Renters in 2010 colored by % of children in familes below poverty line 2017
Renters in 2010 colored by % of children in familes below 200% of poverty line 2017
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2000
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2002
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2004
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2006
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2008
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2010
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2012
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2014
Renters in 2010 colored by eviction filing rate % 2016
US Renter-occupied housing by # bedrooms 2013-2017
US Renter-occupied housing with <=2 bedrooms 2013-2017
US Renter-occupied housing with 3+ bedrooms 2013-2017
US Renter-occupied housing cost no bedrooms 2013-2017 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing cost 1 bedroom 2013-2017 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing cost 2 bedrooms 2013-2017 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing cost 3+ bedrooms 2013-2017 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing by # bedrooms 2006-2010
US Renter-occupied housing with <=2 bedrooms 2006-2010
US Renter-occupied housing with 3+ bedrooms 2006-2010
US Renter-occupied housing cost no bedrooms 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing cost 1 bedroom 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing cost 2 bedrooms 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing cost 3+ bedrooms 2006-2010 ($)
Change in US Renter-occupied housing no bedrooms 2006-2010 vs 2013-2017
Change in US Renter-occupied housing 1 bedroom 2006-2010 vs 2013-2017
Change in US Renter-occupied housing 2 bedrooms 2006-2010 vs 2013-2017
Change in US Renter-occupied housing 3 bedrooms 2006-2010 vs 2013-2017
Change in US Renter-occupied housing 4 bedrooms 2006-2010 vs 2013-2017
Change in US Renter-occupied housing 5 bedrooms 2006-2010 vs 2013-2017
US Renter-occupied occupants per room 2014-2018
US Rental loss/gain 2010-2017 (acs)
US Rental loss 1990-2010
US Rental loss/gain 1990-2000
US Rental loss/gain 1990-2010
US Rent 2012-2016
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2006-2010 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2007-2011 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2008-2012 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2009-2013 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2010-2014 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2011-2015 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2012-2016 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2013-2017 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2014-2018 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 1990 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2007-2011 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2008-2012 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2009-2013 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2010-2014 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2011-2015 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2013-2017 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2014-2018 ($)
US Renter # people in household 2006-2010
US Renter # people in household 2012-2016
US Renter # people in single unit structures 2012-2016
US Renter # people in 2-4 unit structures 2012-2016
US Renter # people in 5-19 unit structures 2012-2016
US Renter # people in 20-49 unit structures 2012-2016
US Renter # people in >=50 unit structures 2012-2016
US Renter # people in mobile home, boat, RV, etc. 2012-2016
US Renter move-in year 2006-2010
US Renter move-in year 2007-2011
US Renter move-in year 2008-2012
US Renter move-in year 2009-2013
US Renter move-in year 2010-2014
US Renter move-in year 2011-2015
US Renter move-in year 2012-2016
US Renter move-in year 2013-2017
US Renter year built 2006-2010
US Renter year built 2007-2011
US Renter year built 2008-2012
US Renter year built 2009-2013
US Renter year built 2010-2014
US Renter year built 2011-2015
US Renter year built 2012-2016
US Rental loss/gain loss/gain 1990-2010
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2006-2017 (%)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2006-2017 ($)
US Renter-occupied housing costs 2006-2018 ($)
US Renter move-in year 2006-2017
US Households by vehicle availabilty 2014-2018
US Households with no vehicle 2014-2018
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2010
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2011
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2012
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2013
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2014
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2015
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2016
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2017
US Children in familes below poverty line by % of children in tract 2018
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2010
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2011
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2012
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2013
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2014
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2015
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2016
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2017
US Children in familes below 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2018
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2010
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2011
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2012
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2013
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2014
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2015
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2016
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2017
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children in tract 2018
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2010
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2011
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2012
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2013
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2014
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2015
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2016
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2017
US Children in familes above 200% of poverty line by % of children below poverty line in tract 2018
US Homeowner Household Income 2006-2010
US Homeowner Household Income 2007-2011
US Homeowner Household Income 2008-2012
US Homeowner Household Income 2009-2013
US Homeowner Household Income 2010-2014
US Homeowner Household Income 2011-2015
US Homeowner Income over/under 50K/yr 2013-2017
US Owner-occupied housing costs >30% of income 2014-2018
US Owner-occupied housing costs, income<$20K 2014-2018 (%)
US Owner Household Income 2006-2017 ($)
US Owner Household Income 2006-2018 ($)
US All Household Income 2006-2010
US Low Household Income 2006-2010
US All Household Income 2007-2011
US All Household Income 2008-2012
US All Household Income 2009-2013
US All Household Income 2010-2014
US All Household Income 2011-2015
US All Household Income 2012-2016
US Housing costs >30% of income 2012-2016
US Low Household Income 2012-2016
US All Household Income 2013-2017
US All Household Income over/under 50K/yr 2013-2017
US All Household Income 2014-2018
US Housing costs >30% of income 2014-2018
US All Household Income 2006-2017 ($)
US All Household Income 2006-2018 ($)
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2006-2010
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2006-2010
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2007-2011
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2007-2011
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2008-2012
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2008-2012
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2009-2013
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2009-2013
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2010-2014
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2010-2014
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2011-2015
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2011-2015
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2012-2016
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2012-2016
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2013-2017
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2013-2017
US Mortgage borrowers w/housing costs >= 40% of income 2014-2018 (%)
US Mortgage borrowers w/housing costs >= 30% of income 2014-2018 (%)
US Mortgage borrowers with cost >=30% of income 2014-2018
US Mortgage borrowers by % of income 2014-2018
US Renter-occupied housing costs >30% of income 2014-2018
US Renter <$10K/yr income housing costs 2014-2018 ($)
US Renter $10-20K/yr income housing costs 2014-2018 ($)
US Renter <$20K/yr income housing costs 2014-2018 ($)
US Renter <$20K/yr income, <=$600/mo rent housing costs 2014-2018 ($)
US Renter <$20K/yr income, <=$400/mo rent housing costs 2014-2018 ($)
US Renter $10-20K/yr income housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Renter $20-35K/yr income housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Renter $35-50K/yr income housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Renter $50-75K/yr income housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Renter $75-100K/yr income housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Renter >$100K/yr income housing costs 2012-2016 ($)
US Renter <$10K/yr income housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter $10-20K/yr income housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter $20-35K/yr income housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter $35-50K/yr income housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter $50-75K/yr income housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter $75-100K/yr income housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter >$100K/yr income housing costs 2006-2010 ($)
US Renter Household Income 2006-2010
US Renter Household Income 2007-2011
US Renter Household Income 2008-2012
US Renter Household Income 2009-2013
US Renter Household Income 2010-2014
US Renter Household Income 2011-2015
US Renter Household Income 2012-2016
US Renter Household Income 2013-2017
US Renter Household Income 2014-2018
US Renter Lowest Household Income 2006-2010
US Renter Lowest Household Income 2012-2016
US Renter Income over/under 50K/yr 2013-2017
US Renter Household Income 2006-2017 ($)
US Renter Household Income 2006-2018 ($)
US Race Boys 5-19 yo 1990
US Race Girls 5-19 yo 1990
US Race Children 5-19 yo 1990
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2000
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2006-2010
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2007-2011
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2008-2012
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2009-2013
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2010-2014
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2011-2015
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2012-2016
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2013-2017
US Race Children 5-19 yo 2014-2018
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2006-2010
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2007-2011
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2008-2012
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2009-2013
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2010-2014
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2011-2015
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2012-2016
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2013-2017
US Race Children 5-17 yo 2014-2018
US Black Children 5-19 yo 1990
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2000
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2006-2010
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2007-2011
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2008-2012
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2009-2013
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2010-2014
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2011-2015
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2012-2016
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2013-2017
US Black Children 5-19 yo 2014-2018
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2006-2010
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2007-2011
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2008-2012
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2009-2013
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2010-2014
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2011-2015
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2012-2016
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2013-2017
US Black Children 5-17 yo 2014-2018
US White Children 5-19 yo 1990
US White Children 5-19 yo 2000
US White Children 5-19 yo 2006-2010
US White Children 5-19 yo 2007-2011
US White Children 5-19 yo 2008-2012
US White Children 5-19 yo 2009-2013
US White Children 5-19 yo 2010-2014
US White Children 5-19 yo 2011-2015
US White Children 5-19 yo 2012-2016
US White Children 5-19 yo 2013-2017
US White Children 5-19 yo 2014-2018
US White Children 5-17 yo 2006-2010
US White Children 5-17 yo 2007-2011
US White Children 5-17 yo 2008-2012
US White Children 5-17 yo 2009-2013
US White Children 5-17 yo 2010-2014
US White Children 5-17 yo 2011-2015
US White Children 5-17 yo 2012-2016
US White Children 5-17 yo 2013-2017
US White Children 5-17 yo 2014-2018
US Race Children of color 5-19 yo 2011-2015
US Race Children of color 5-19 yo 2012-2016
US Race Children 5-19 yo, neither Black nor White 2012-2016
US Children in families in poverty by race 2006-2010
US Children in families in poverty by race 2007-2011
US Children in families in poverty by race 2008-2012
US Children in families in poverty by race 2009-2013
US Children in families in poverty by race 2010-2014
US Children in families in poverty by race 2011-2015
US Children in families in poverty by race 2012-2016
US Children in families in poverty by race 2013-2017
US Children in families in poverty by race 2014-2018
US White grandparents 2012-2016
US Black grandparents 2012-2016
US Native-born grandparents 2012-2016
US Foreign-born grandparents 2012-2016
US Race Children 5-19 yo 1990-2017
US Black Children 5-19 yo 1990-2017
US White Children 5-19 yo 1990-2017
US Race Children 5-17 yo 1990-2018
US Black Children 5-17 yo 1990-2018
US White Children 5-17 yo 1990-2018
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
US Race < High School 2012-2016
US Race High School Grad 2012-2016
US Race Some College 2006-2010
US Race Some College 2007-2011
US Race Some College 2008-2012
US Race Some College 2009-2013
US Race Some College 2010-2014
US Race Some College 2011-2015
US Race Some College 2012-2016
US Race Some College 2013-2017
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
US Race < Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2010
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2007-2011
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2008-2012
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2009-2013
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2010-2014
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2011-2015
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2012-2016
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2013-2017
US White Education level 2006-2010
US White Education level 2007-2011
US White Education level 2008-2012
US White Education level 2009-2013
US White Education level 2010-2014
US White Education level 2011-2015
US White Education level 2012-2016
US White Education level 2013-2017
US Black Education level 2006-2010
US Black Education level 2007-2011
US Black Education level 2008-2012
US Black Education level 2009-2013
US Black Education level 2010-2014
US Black Education level 2011-2015
US Black Education level 2012-2016
US Black Education level 2013-2017
US >= 25 yo Race >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017 (ACS)
US >= 25 yo Race < Undergrad Degree 2006-2017 (ACS)
US >= 25 yo Race Some College 2006-2017 (ACS)
Black population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017
White population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017
AMLON population by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017
White college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017
White non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017
Black college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017
Black non-college-educated adults by % of all adults >=25 yo with >= Undergrad Degree 2006-2017
US Workers in majority Black neighborhoods by % in critical industries
US Workers in non-majority Black neighborhoods by % in critical industries
US Workers in majority Black/Brown neighborhoods by % in critical industries
US Workers in non-majority Black/Brown neighborhoods by % in critical industries
US Work, White Males, 16-64 yo, 2012-2016
US Work, Black Males, 16-64 yo, 2012-2016
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2010
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2011
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2012
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2013
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2014
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2015
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2016
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2017
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2010
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2011
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2012
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2013
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2014
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2015
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2016
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2017
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2010
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2011
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2012
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2013
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2014
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2015
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2016
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2017
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2006-2010
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2011
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2012
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2013
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2014
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2015
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2016
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2010-2017
US Work, White population loss/gain in high median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2006-2017
US Work, Black population loss/gain in low median income occupations, 16+ yo ACS 2006-2017
US Work, loss in Black pop in low med inc occ/gain in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2006-2017
US Work, gain in Black pop in low med inc occ/loss in White pop in high med inc occ, 16+ yo ACS 2006-2017
US Black Homeownership loss/gain 1990-1990
US Black Homeownership loss/gain 1990-2000
US Black Homeownership loss/gain 2010-2018
US Homeowners 1990, by race
US Homeowners 2000, by race
US Homeowners 2010, by race
US Homeowners by race 2006-2010
US Homeowners by race 2007-2011
US Homeowners by race 2008-2012
US Homeowners by race 2009-2013
US Homeowners by race 2010-2014
US Homeowners by race 2011-2015
US Homeowners by race 2012-2016
US Homeowners by race 2013-2017
US Homeowners by race 2014-2018
US Owners 2010, White
US OwnersĀ 2000, White
US Owners 1990, White
US Owners 2010, Black
US Owners 1990, Black
US Owners 2010, Asian
US Owners 2000, Asian
US Owners 1990, Asian
US Owners 2010, Hisp., Latino
US Owners 2000, Hisp., Latino
All homeowners by race, 2010
15-34 year old homeowners by race, 2010
35-64 year old homeowners by race, 2010
65-74 year old homeowners by race, 2010
75+ year old homeowners by race, 2010
15-34 year old homeowners by race, 2000
35-64 year old homeowners by race, 2000
65-74 year old homeowners by race, 2000
75+ year old homeowners by race, 2000
US Homeowners by race 1990-2010
US Homeowners by race, 1990-2018
US Homeowners by race, 2010-2018
Home locations of Black US Workers, 2016
Home locations of US Workers by race, 2010
Home locations of US Workers by race, 2011
Home locations of US Workers by race, 2012
Home locations of US Workers by race, 2013
Home locations of US Workers by race, 2014
Home locations of US Workers by race, 2015
Home locations of US Workers by race, 2016
Home locations of US Workers earning >$3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2010
Home locations of US Workers earning >$3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2011
Home locations of US Workers earning >$3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2012
Home locations of US Workers earning >$3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2013
Home locations of US Workers earning >$3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2014
Home locations of US Workers earning >$3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2015
Home locations of US Workers earning >$3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2016
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2010
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2011
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2012
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2013
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2014
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2015
Home locations of US Workers earning $1251 to $3333/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2016
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2010
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2011
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2012
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2013
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2014
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2015
Home locations of US Workers earning <$1250/mo by % of Black workers in tract 2016
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2010
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2011
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2012
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2013
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2014
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2015
Home locations of US Workers with in accomodation/food sector by % of Black workers in tract 2016
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2010
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2011
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2012
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2013
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2014
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2015
Home locations of US Workers with in service sector other than accommodation/food by % of Black workers in tract 2016
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2010
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2011
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2012
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2013
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2014
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2015
Home locations of US Workers with in health care sector by % of Black workers in tract 2016
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2010
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2011
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2012
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2013
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2014
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2015
Home locations of Black US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2016
Home locations of White US Workers by % earning <$1250/mo in tract 2016
US Households in poverty by race 2006-2010
US Households in poverty by race 2014-2018
US Race for same house as previous year 2006-2010
US Race for intra-county move in previous year 2006-2010
US Race for out-of-state move in previous year 2006-2010
US Race for same house as previous year 2012-2016
US Race for intra-county move in previous year 2012-2016
US Race for move to other county in state in previous year 2012-2016
US Race for out-of-state move in previous year 2012-2016
SWPA Median Income of Asians
SWPA Median Income of Blacks
SWPA Median Income of Latinos
SWPA Median Income of Native American/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Island, and Other
SWPA Median Income of Whites
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2006-2010
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2007-2011
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2008-2012
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2009-2013
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2010-2014
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2011-2015
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2012-2016
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2013-2017
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2006-2010
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2007-2011
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2008-2012
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2009-2013
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2010-2014
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2011-2015
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2012-2016
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2013-2017
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2006-2010
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2007-2011
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2008-2012
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2009-2013
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2010-2014
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2011-2015
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2012-2016
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2013-2017
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2006-2010
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2007-2011
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2008-2012
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2009-2013
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2010-2014
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2011-2015
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2012-2016
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2013-2017
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2006-2010
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2007-2011
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2008-2012
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2009-2013
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2010-2014
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2011-2015
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2012-2016
AMLON population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2013-2017
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2006-2010
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2007-2011
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2008-2012
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2009-2013
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2010-2014
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2011-2015
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2012-2016
AMLON population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2013-2017
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2010
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2011
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2012
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2013
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2014
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2015
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2016
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2010
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2011
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2012
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2013
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2014
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2015
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2016
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2010
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2011
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2012
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2013
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2014
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2015
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2016
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2010
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2011
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2012
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2013
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2014
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2015
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2016
Black population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2006-2017
Black population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2006-2017
White population by % of all households with income >=$100K/yr 2006-2017
White population by % of all households with income <=$20K/yr 2006-2017
US Families in poverty by race 2006-2017
White population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2017
Black population by % diff above/below ACS mean of median income 2006-2017
White population by median White income ($) 2006-2017
Black population by median Black income ($) 2006-2017
American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawai'ian, and Pacific Islander Households by Internet Connection (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Asian Households by Internet Connection (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Black Households by Internet Connection (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
Household with Computer and Broadband Internet Connections (including smart phone data plan) by Race 2013-2017
Household with Computer or Cell Phone, but without Internet by Race 2013-2017
Hispanic or Latino Households by Internet Connection 2013-2017
Mixed and Other Race Households by Internet Connection 2013-2017
Household with no Computer or Smart Phone (no Internet) by Race 2013-2017
White Households by Internet Connection (not Hispanic or Latino) 2013-2017
US Own vs Rent 1990, White
US Own vs RentĀ 2000, White
US Own vs Rent 2010, White
US Own vs Rent 2010, White 2006-2010
US Own vs Rent 2011, White 2007-2011
US Own vs Rent 2012, White 2008-2012
US Own vs Rent 2013, White 2009-2013
US Own vs Rent 2014, White 2010-2014
US Own vs Rent 2015, White 2011-2015
US Own vs Rent 2016, White 2012-2016
US Own vs Rent 2017, White 2013-2017
US Own vs Rent 2018, White 2014-2018
US Own vs Rent 1990, Black
US Own vs Rent 2000, Black
US Own vs Rent 2010, Black
US Own vs Rent 2010, Black 2006-2010
US Own vs Rent 2011, Black 2007-2011
US Own vs Rent 2012, Black 2008-2012
US Own vs Rent 2013, Black 2009-2013
US Own vs Rent 2014, Black 2010-2014
US Own vs Rent 2015, Black 2011-2015
US Own vs Rent 2016, Black 2012-2016
US Own vs Rent 2017, Black 2013-2017
US Own vs Rent 2018, Black 2014-2018
US Own vs Rent 1990, Asian
US Own vs Rent 2000, Asian
US Own vs Rent 2010, Asian
US Own vs Rent 1990, Hisp., Latino
US Own vs Rent 2000, Hisp., Latino
US Own vs Rent 2010, Hisp., Latino
US Own vs Rent, White 1990-2010
US Own vs Rent, Black 1990-2010
US Own vs Rent, White 1990-2017
US Own vs Rent, Black 1990-2017
US Own vs Rent, White 1990-2018
US Own vs Rent, Black 1990-2018
US Own vs Rent, White 2010-2017
US Own vs Rent, Black 2010-2017
Native American Population 1860-1890
Native American Population 1980-2010
White population by % of total 1990
Non-White population by % of total 1990
Black population by % of total 1990
Non-Black population by % of total 1990
Asian population by % of total 1990
Non-Asian population by % of total 1990
Hispanic population by % of total 1990
Non-Hispanic population by % of total 1990
Max % of White, Black, Asian, or Hispanic population of total 1990
White population by % of total 2010
Non-White population by % of total 2010
Black population by % of total 2010
Non-Black population by % of total 2010
Asian population by % of total 2010
Non-Asian population by % of total 2010
Hispanic population by % of total 2010
Non-Hispanic population by % of total 2010
Max % of White, Black, Asian, or Hispanic population of total 2010
Population under 18 yo in majority Black neighborhoods by % of total 2010
Population under 18 yo in non-majority Black neighborhoods by % of total 2010
Population under 18 yo in majority Black/Brown neighborhoods by % of total 2010
Population under 18 yo in non-majority Black/Brown neighborhoods by % of total 2010
US Race 2014-2018
US Race 2013-2017
US Hispanic 2014-2018
US Race 2012-2016
US Race 2011-2015
US Race 2010-2014
US Race 2009-2013
US Race 2008-2012
US Race 2007-2011
US Race 2006-2010
US Race 2010
US Race 2000
US Race 1990
US Race POC 2012-2016
US Race POC 2010
US Race POC 1990
US Black Population 2012-2016
US Black Population 2010
US Black Population 1990
US White Population 2012-2016
US White Population 2010
US White Population 1990
US Black Population change 1990-1990
US Black Population change 1990-2000
US Black Population change 2000-2010
US Black Population change 2010-2010
US Black Population change 2010-2011
US Black Population change 2010-2012
US Black Population change 2010-2013
US Black Population change 2010-2014
US Black Population change 2010-2015
US Black Population change 2010-2016
US Black Population change 2010-2018
US Black Population change 2013-2018
US White Population change 1990-2000
US White Population change 2000-2010
US White Population change 2010-2010
US White Population change 2010-2011
US White Population change 2010-2012
US White Population change 2010-2013
US White Population change 2010-2014
US White Population change 2010-2015
US White Population change 2010-2016
US White Population change 2010-2018
US Black pop change 2000-2010
US White pop change 2000-2010
US Hispanic pop change 2000-2010
White population by % of total 1990-2010
Non-White population by % of total 1990-2010
Black population by % of total 1990-2010
Non-Black population by % of total 1990-2010
Asian population by % of total 1990-2010
Non-Asian population by % of total 1990-2010
Hispanic population by % of total 1990-2010
Non-Hispanic population by % of total 1990-2010
Max % of White, Black, Asian, or Hispanic population of total 1990-2010
US Race 1990-2010
US Black Population change 1990-2010
US Race 1990-2017
US Race 1990-2018
US Race 2006-2017 (ACS)
US Race 2006-2018 (ACS)
US Black Population change 2010-2017
US White Population change 2010-2017
US Families in poverty by race 2006-2018
Under 18 year old males by race, 2013-17
18-34 year old males by race, 2013-17
35-64 year old males by race, 2013-17
65-74 year old males by race, 2013-17
75 years and older males by race, 2013-17
Under 18 year old females by race, 2013-17
18-34 year old females by race, 2013-17
35-64 year old females by race, 2013-17
65-74 year old females by race, 2013-17
75 years and older females by race, 2013-17
US Black Rental loss/gain loss/gain 1990-2010
US Renters by race 1990-2010
15-34 year old renters by race, 2000
35-64 year old renters by race, 2000
65-74 year old renters by race, 2000
75+ year old renters by race, 2000
15-34 year old renters by race, 2010
35-64 year old renters by race, 2010
65-74 year old renters by race, 2010
75+ year old renters by race, 2010
All renters by race, 2010
US Renters 1990, Asian
US Renters 2000, Asian
US Renters 2010, Asian
US Renters 1990, Black
US Renters 2000, Black
US Renters 2010, Black
US Black Rental loss/gain 1990-2000
US Black Rental loss/gain 1990-2010
US Renters 2000, Hisp., Latino
US Renters 2010, Hisp., Latino
US Renters 1990, by race
US Renters 2000, by race
US Renters 2010, by race
US Renters 1990, White
US RentersĀ 2000, White
US Renters 2010, White
Port Authority ConnectCard Locations
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2006-2010
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2007-2011
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2008-2012
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2009-2013
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2010-2014
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2011-2015
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2012-2016
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2013-2017
Means of Transportation to Work (Public Transit) 2014-2018
Total housingation costs as % of income for low income individual home owners (2012-2016)
Total housing + transportation costs as % of income for low income individual home owners (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs for low income individual home owners ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs as % of income for low income individual home owners (2012-2016)
Transit costs for low income individual home owners ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Transit trips per year for low income individual home owners (2012-2016)
Total housingation costs as % of income for single parent family home owners (2012-2016)
Total housing + transportation costs as % of income for single parent family home owners (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs for single parent family home owners ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs as % of income for single parent family home owners (2012-2016)
Transit costs for single parent family home owners ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Transit trips per year for single parent family home owners (2012-2016)
Total housingation costs as % of income for low income individual renters (2012-2016)
Total housing + transportation costs as % of income for low income individual renters (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs as % of income for low income individual renters (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs for low income individual renters ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Transit costs for low income individual renters ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Transit trips per year for low income individual renters (2012-2016)
Total housingation costs as % of income for single parent family renters (2012-2016)
Total housing + transportation costs as % of income for single parent family renters (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs as % of income for single parent family renters (2012-2016)
Total transportation costs for single parent family renters ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Transit costs for single parent family renters ($/yr) (2012-2016)
Transit trips per year for single parent family renters (2012-2016)
No weekend service Pittsburgh/Allegheny County transit routes
Saturday only weekend service Pittsburgh/Allegheny County transit routes
Saturday+Sunday weekend service Pittsburgh/Allegheny County transit routes
Pittsburgh Regional Transit Stops
All stops by # of routes served for Pittsburgh/Allegheny County transit
Stops by average # stops/hr on Saturdays for Pittsburgh/Allegheny County transit
Stops by average # stops/hr on Sundays for Pittsburgh/Allegheny County transit
Stops by average # stops/hr on weekdays for Pittsburgh/Allegheny County transit
Transit stops by # of routes served on Saturdays for Pittsburgh/Allegheny County
Transit stops by # of routes served on Sundays for Pittsburgh/Allegheny County
Transit stops by # of routes served on weekdays for Pittsburgh/Allegheny County
Means of Transportation to Work 2006-2010
Means of Transportation to Work 2007-2011
Means of Transportation to Work 2008-2012
Means of Transportation to Work 2009-2013
Means of Transportation to Work 2010-2014
Means of Transportation to Work 2011-2015
Means of Transportation to Work 2012-2016
Means of Transportation to Work 2013-2017
Means of Transportation to Work 2014-2018
Voting US House Boundaries 2018
Allegheny County hours to 2020 polling place for households without a vehicle
Allegheny County registered voters 2016
Allegheny County registered voters by party 2016
Allegheny County participation in 2016 election by registered democrats
Allegheny County participation in 2016 election by registered independants
Allegheny County registered voters by participation in 2012 election
Allegheny County registered voters by participation in 2016 election
Allegheny County participation in 2016 election by registered republicans
Recency of move vs voting for voters with >=3 moves
Voter intra-county movers >=3 moves
Voter intra-county movers >=3 moves (2014-2019)
Voter intra-county movers >=4 moves
Voter intra-county movers >=5 moves
Voter intra-county move locations for >= 3 moves
Voter intra-county move locations for >= 4 moves
Voter intra-county move locations for >= 5 moves
Recency of move vs voting
Voter intra-county moves
Allegheny County distance to 2020 polling places
Allegheny County Polling Places 2017
Allegheny County Polling Places 2018 by stability
Allegheny County Polling Places 2018 - 2020 lines
Allegheny County Polling Places 2018
Allegheny County Polling Places 2020 primary
Allegheny County Polling Places 2020 primary by # of precincts consolidated
Allegheny County Polling Places 2020 by est # of voters
Allegheny County Polling Places 2020 by est multiple of max voters per precinct
Recency of registration, active Democrats
Recency of registration, active Independents
Voter registration by party
Recency of registration, all
Recency of registration, active Republicans
Votes for president in 1992 (only voters)
Votes for president in 1996 (only voters)
Votes for president in 2000 (only voters)
Votes for president in 2004 (only voters)
Votes for president in 2008 (only voters)
Difference in votes for president in 2012 - 2016 (only voters)
Votes for president in 2012 (only voters)
Difference in votes for president in 2016 - 2012 (only voters)
Votes for president in 2016 (Non-voting percentage)
Votes for president in 2016 (Non-voting percentage ACS)
Votes for president in 2016 (Citizen Non-voting percentage)
Votes for president in 2016 (other party)
Votes for president in 2016 (only voters)
Votes for president in 2016
Recency of voting, active Democrats
Recency of voting, active Independents
Recency of voting, all
Recency of voting, active Republicans